Monday, May 19, 2014

We have bunnies!!

There's lots of wildlife everywhere out here!  From antelope, mule deer, hawks, bald eagles, horned toads, rattle snakes (haven't seen any yet thank goodness!), and especially bunnies! 

Right behind our trailer is our shed.  At first we weren't sure if the shed would still be there since the first time we saw the property, but it survived and was actually build very well.  The bunnies have burrowed underneath and there are large holes around the area where they have also tunneled into.  We are being VERY careful with the cats because one of my biggest fears is that one of our little ones (Tuffy or Princess, especially Princess!) will get out and find their way into one of these bunny holes.  So far, no issues, but we can't be too careful.

Here are some pictures of our bunnies.  There are 5 that we know of - 2 that are full size, 1 medium sized one, and 2 babies.  To me they look like 'Peter Cottontail' bunnies - now you can play 'Where's Waldo' to see if you can find the bunnies in these pictures:)

So far, they don't seem to be bothered by us.  In fact they are rather funny to watch! They dart from one side of the trailer to the other, just in front of where the cats can look out their screen door.  It is entertaining for us and the cats.

And each night when we have our campfire, they wander a little further out toward us and hop circles around us!  They are very entertaining!

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