Thursday, March 13, 2014

No Regrets!

I came across this saying and just had to share!  With our time in Ohio winding down, the closer we get to our move date, the more anxious, nervous, and scared I get!  I've never made a big move like this before.  All of my family, including my extended family, all live within the same county.  When I moved one county over after graduating college, I felt like an outsider (and still do!).  But now we are moving ~1,400 miles away where we have no family and only know 2 people.

The day that we pull out of our driveway and see our Ohio home get smaller and smaller in the rearview mirror, will be one of the scariest moments in my life!  But I know that if we don't take this leap of faith, we will forever regret it.

I am so very thankful to have my amazing partner-in-crime, my husband Scott, to be with on this journey.  For a very long time he has wanted to own land and build a new life somewhere, but waited all these years till he had me to do it with.  I'm so very thankful!!

As scary as it's going to be as we leave Ohio and make the journey toward our next adventure, I'll always keep this in mind:

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