Monday, March 3, 2014

Making Progress!!!

We have finally downsized all our belongings and sold 3 extra vehicles, mattresses, dressers, a dryer, etc.  The only big items we are taking include our mattress, our couch, and the kitchen table - which makes a HUGE difference on the amount of things we need to pack!!  A majority of the house is already packed up and ready to go, we just have to get started on the garage yet.

We finally got back both electrical permits (permanent electric and temp electric) - received within 1 week of submitting - and we go back our well permit, received within ~3-4 weeks of submitting.

We will not be submitting our building permit or the septic permit until the well is in place and we know exactly where we are going to build.

One fun fact I have learned:
If you own your land (no mortgage or loan on it) and you are building your house all yourself (owner owned and owner built) you do not need to get a building inspection or an electrical inspection in Park County, WY.  We do have to get the permits, but only if we are hiring someone to do the work or if we have a loan/mortgage do we need an inspection.   For our own safety/security reasons, we did opt for the electrical inspection.

The Build:
Because of the timing of getting the well in, then getting the septic permit submitted and the septic tank installed, then having the temp electric pole installed, getting the building permit, having our footer dug out for our house, then laying our concrete foundation and slab (this part we are doing ourselves) - tentatively it looks like about mid to late May before we will be able to actually start building the structure of the house!  But Scott believes that within 4-6 weeks at most, we will have the entire exterior of the house completed. 

Anyone want to take bets on how long it actually takes?!?! Keep in mind I'm his only helper!!

Left to Accomplish
We still have a good bit left to do - pack the trailer, finish the updates on the truck, buy some additional supplies we need, etc.  But we are making really good progress and are on track to move within the first few weeks of April!! 

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