Tuesday, March 31, 2015

General Updates

We actually have a house update to share!! I mentioned a post or 2 ago that we have purchased all our bathroom tile.  It all came in 2 weeks ago, so we have it at the house and are ready to go! This past weekend, Scott started prepping the tile for the shower.  He added in the 'blocks' in the wall cavities, put down tar paper on the subfloor, then poured in the initial layer of concrete.  It took quite a while for it to dry.  My job was to keep the cats out of the bathroom so they didn't get in the concrete.  I guess you can say we were mostly successful! haha  When Scott was done laying the concrete, I told him to have a seat and watch the cats while I went to the bathroom.  Right when we were switching positions, Tiger decided he was going to run into the bathroom, into the fresh concrete, through it, and then out of the shower!!!  I grabbed him and we rushed him to the mudroom where he was less than thrilled with his bath!!  Thankfully, the Tuesday before Tiger had gone in to get shaved (now he looks funny with just his fur boots, a poof at the end of his tail, and his 'lion' like mane).  After that happened, we put a fan on the concrete to speed up the drying.  Then to be safe, once it was dry enough for the cats to walk on it, we put our moving blankets on top of the concrete just to be sure!

The last two days, during Scott's lunch break and after work, he has purchased the rest of what we need (other than the shower heads) so we can get started tiling hopefully this weekend.

Another piece of exciting news with the house.... we finally have the money in place to get our running water and electric hooked up!!! YEAH!  So in 2 weeks, Scott is renting the trencher to get it all ready for the plumbing and the electric wiring!  Ahh, I can't wait!! 

On the baby front, all is well! I'm still battling with morning sickness several days a week.  I can't believe I'm going to admit this here, but I think it's pretty funny so I will.  Yesterday I was on the phone with my mother-in-law and I told her to hold on because I needed to blow my nose.  Apparently I had to do much more than blow my nose because  my morning sickness hit pretty bad (this was after my dinner) and in the process I managed to pee my pants!  I don't think I've done that since I was 2! haha  But luckily, today was laundry day so it all worked out!

I thought they said once you hit the second trimester this morning sickness stuff all goes away! Well, I'm now 20 weeks and keeping my fingers crossed it goes away sooner than later!  I think my next doctor appointment is in 2 weeks and at that time my doctor will be scheduling my ultrasound - I'll keep you all posted!

In the meantime, I've been working a little at a time on my baby registry.  It's a little overwhelming thinking of all the stuff that you need for a baby! We are trying to minimize the stuff we get because we are so limited on space. Luckily I found several 3-in-one products that should be a huge help!  Once we find out what we are having, I'll be posting our registry in case anyone wants to use it.

Ever since week 17, I've been feeling the baby moving!  And each week I can feel the baby a little bit more and a little bit stronger.  Actually, as I sit here on the internet at McDonalds (because the library is closed), I can feel the baby moving!!

Scott's job is still going great!  He's getting very very busy though with all the farmers either prepping their fields or starting to plant even.  This time of the year the farmers actually set fire to the irrigation ditches to clear out all the weeds.  Scott said they will start the water up in the irrigation ditches in a few weeks - about the middle of April.

I wish I had more exciting news to share, but that's about all right now!  I am taking some pictures of our shower process and I'll be sharing them with you all soon! It sounds like we will be having a very busy April with the completion of the shower plus (fingers crossed) hooking up our water and electric!! I'm hoping to take a real shower by my birthday (end of April) - that would be the best birthday present to date!!!

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