Friday, July 25, 2014

Started on Tyvek and Foam Insulation - Going to be a LONG weekend!!

We have had a fun week! Not as hectic because we have been waiting till the weekend to rent the lift (doing that today) so we can finish the sheeting on the sides of the house, on the roof, and also adding all the insulation on the sides and roof too.
A few nights ago, we were woken up at 2am by Tuffy growling.  We looked outside and shown a flashlight around, thinking it was probably a snake, but we couldn't find anything.  When we got up the next morning, we saw deer or antelope tracks on the ground along with large paw prints too - either a dog or more likely a coyote.  Our little watch dog... I mean watch cat scared them away!!

It has been very warm here - upwards of 95-100* in the trailer.  We currently have 2 layers of foam insulation on the roof of the trailer (4 total pieces) along with 2 more pieces on the southern facing side.  Scott also hung up a tarp at the top of the back of the trailer to get more shade.  This has been helping to keep the cats cooler.  But one day, it was pretty hot and Buddy wasn't too happy with it, so we sat in the air conditioning in the car with him for about 2 hours.  He was one happy and one cool cat!
At our build site, under our pallets of materials, we now have some pack rats!!  I know you will think I'm weird for saying this, but I think they are cute!  They are HUGE - larger than a can of pop and longer than a bottle of water.  And here's something funny about them.  Pack rats are rather smart - to keep other critters out of their nesting area they take pieces of cacti and put them all around their 'home'.  I'll try to get some pictures of it, but our pack rats have put pieces of cacti on the building materials, under the wood pallet and all around.  They don't seem to be too afraid of us right now.
Below are some pictures of our pack rat! 
Building wise - this week we added what we could of the sheeting (9' 1" on the sides), we finished the window for the kitchen, we cut out all the sheeting where the windows will go, we added the rubber stuff that partly went over the bottom of the sheeting and partly over the foam insulation on the outside of the foundation, and just this morning, we added the first bit of Tyvek plus the first layer of insulating foam along the bottom of both long sides of the house.  Yesterday, in the heat of the afternoon, we made a trip up to Billings to the Bridger Steel showroom.  We thought we were going to get a solid medium brown color of metal roofing, but I wasn't sold on the solid color.  I like unique, fun elements, and our roof is no different! I think we've picked out our roof.  It isn't a solid color and the best way to describe it is that from a distance it kinda looks like a rusty metal roof (that was an option! but we opted against it because we didn't want our siding or our deck to be stained with the rust) - this is a medium brown with a burgundy/rust splatter look to it.  We are 99% sure that's what we are going with, but next week we are going to order our board and batten siding and I'm going to see if I can get a sample of it to compare with the roofing color that I like, just to be sure!
Today, this afternoon, we are getting the lift, so this weekend will be a long one!  We need to get the top layer of sheeting up on the sides of the house, then completely sheet the roof, we need to add the remaining Tyvek, plus add the Ice Shield stuff to the sheeting on the roof.  Then we add the foam - 4" (2 sheets) of foam all along the walls and 8" (4 sheets thick) on the entire roof.  Then, after all the foam is added, we will be putting up, 12" on center, 1x4's (horizontally) on the outside of all the foam on both the sides of the house and on the roof.  The board and batten will attach to that on the sides, but we aren't sure, we may need to add one additional layer of solid sheeting on top of the 1x4's on the roof..... the roofing company said the metal roof panels need to be on a solid surface, not the 1x4's and although our lumber company guy, who we fully trust, says that it shouldn't matter, we may void our warranty on the roofing if we don't.  So we are taking every step we need to, even if it is over kill!
Funny thing! We asked Darren, our lumber guy, if anyone else has purchased more foam at one time and he said no!! He said the most anyone has ordered is about 50 sheets - we ordered close to 250!  That was the biggest chunk of our building cost (~$8,000) - we got 9 total pallets of foam.  But Scott said that even if we were building our house brand new in OH, he would still do the same insulation there too.
I should have lots more pictures to show next week (probably Monday or Tuesday is my guess).
Have a great weekend!

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