Saturday, July 19, 2014

Sheeting the House

July 19, 2014

It is HOT HOT HOT her today!! At 2:30pm this afternoon, it was 95* in the shade in our trailer. So since we still had $30 in our budget for the week, and I've REALLY craving anything that is cold, we headed into Powell. 

I can't believe I'm admitting this, but I was in the mood for Chinese food (sweet and sour chicken) and Scott wanted Taco Johns, and the only Dt. Coke that I seem to want lately is ice cold McD's fountain soda..... so YES! we got out food and brought it all with us inside McDs and now we are soaking up the free AC, free refills, and free wifi!!

So far today we finished the first layer of sheeting around the house, and we put of the second layer of sheeting on the long north side and on the side facing the mountains too.  But we had to take a break because of the heat.  It was 95* in the shade in the trailer. 

I have to say, there is not a lot that I complain about here - I don't mind living in the trailer, I don't mind not having electricity or a real toilet, but what I do really really miss, is ice cubes!!  Warm water is no fun.  So on these high heat days, we may be getting to town more often just to get some cold drinks (and take home cold ice water for the cats too).

Also, through this entire project so far, I've done some of everything - I use all the saws, the drills, the air compressor, the generator, even the nail gun too.  However, the only thing I'm admitting I'm not helping much with is anything that deals with heights.  I am terribly scared of being high (more than 8-10ft up) specifically on a ladder.  Ladders scare me to pieces!!  But I'm so thankful that my monkey, I mean husband, doesn't mind heights at all!!

And I have to share a funny story before I forget:)  A week or so ago we had gone into Red Lodge and we went into a fun store there called the Swanky Fork - it's very small but has fun kitchen stuff.  Anyhow, Scott had to poop! haha and when he went to the bathroom he texted me #1 not to leave without him! and #2 he asked me if I could smell it! HAHA! We have to have fun, that's for sure!

And, I'm not posting the pics/video (I'll spare you all), but we killed snake #3 last night at 8pm.  Our cats saw him coming and alerted us!!  We had just settled into bed, trying to cool down, and I saw him slithering toward our trailer.  We hurried up, grabbed our boots and the gun and went out to get him.  He was out in the open (unlike the other 2 that were either very close or under the trailer).  With only one shot from the 12 gauge shotgun the sucker was finished!  Then I did the honors and chopped off his head and his rattle - next time I'm going to shoot it.  I've never shot a shot gun before, but I need to do it all myself incase I come across one and Scott isn't there with me.  Here is the best part of this story - Scott was wearing ONLY his underwear and boots!!!  All while carrying the shotgun!! haha

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