Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Fun Pictures!!

It's been quite a while since I shared pictures with you all! This is a fun mix - gorgeous sunsets, fun adventures, and our crazy cats!  I'm going to be explaining the pictures.... but if you don't want to read about them, just click on the first one and scroll through!

First, this is our Christmas tree!  One night in January ( think around the 15th or 20th) I told Scott when he got home from work that I was ready to get the tree out of the house!  So, his idea, open the front doors and chuck it out!! It was pretty funny to us, but we find silly things pretty funny!

Here come the cat pictures!!  Tiger is my sewing buddy! 

And below, Tuffy was zonked out!  He's the cutest when he sleeps!

It must have been cold! They all wanted to cuddle up! Actually I think they just like to hang out with me:)

Below is my little buddy, Tuffy!  Ever since I found out I was pregnant, he seems to be super attentive to me!  Everyday, he wants to sit on my lap, he massages my belly and then takes a nap on me.  Here he is in his sleepy stages... he gets a glaze over his eyes and then finally lays down.

Over this past weekend, we had some CRAZY winds!!  I'm talking gusts of 60-100+ mph!!  If you look, you can see the dust blowing up from the field.  that field is about 5 miles from our house.

Tiger and his nap buddy!!  He has to have 'tiger-time' everyday with Scott and I both.  And he likes to lay all over us!!  In fact he just started doing this in the middle of the night too... he likes to get between Scott and I both.

We had one of the prettiest sunrises this past week!!! Scott had left for work and I was sitting on the couch with the cats.  I looked over my shoulder and caught this sunrise!  I jumped up, ran outside and snapped some pictures!  After I went back inside, within just a few minutes it was completely gone! I feel lucky to have caught it with my camera!

 More of Tuffy! He always wants to nap on me!

 Last Saturday, I went to town to run a few errands, and on my way back, I saw this little bit of a rainbow in front of the Beartooth Mountains!!
 Last Sunday we went on an adventure!!  Yellowstone park is closed (at least our Cody entrance is) this time of the year.  However, the drive down Northfork toward the entrance is just stunning!!  We were on a mission to see the big horned sheep, which neither Scott or I have ever seen before!  We found them!!!  Here are some pictures of them, plus we also saw a single buffalo, lots and lots of deer and even a huge herd of elk too.

Looking at the mountains below, look closely!!!  Can you spot the big horned sheep?!?!?

Here's a close up for you!
Our lonely buffalo!!   

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