Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Reality Check!

Over the last week we've made progress on our house and some interesting progress on the baby front too.  And we have so much to be thankful for right now!!

Unfortunately I don't have pictures of our house progress (I'll try to get some for next week!!!).  First, Scott finally found an attachment for his drill to cut the hole through the concrete backing and tile (the hole for the shower handle to go through).  All that is left with the shower is to grout it and attach the hardware (shower head/handle - plus the water connections).

Just like in OH, we've had a lot of rain lately.  The problem for us was that since our driveway slopes all the way down to the house (and the cellar is next to the house), all the water from the rain would run down the hill and then drain into the cellar!!  Well about 10 days ago we finally got some gravel!!  We got 3 full dump truck loads of a road base gravel.  2 loads were spread through our driveway/parking area by the house.  The third load was dumped right behind the mudroom and actually turned out to be like a 'dam' for any water that did run down the hill so now it won't go into the cellar (keeping the cellar dry so Scott can work in it!  Scott spent all last Saturday framing up the concrete pad (for the cistern to sit on) in the cellar and putting gravel in the forms.  Now we are all ready for the concrete!!  Scott was planning on doing the concrete last Sunday, but his back was sore from doing the gravel/forms on Saturday, so I asked him to take it easy on so he wouldn't be hurting too bad for work this week.

Here is the exciting part!!!  Once we get the concrete pad in, we will be so close to having running water - it's so exciting!!  Once we get the cistern, Scott will hook it up to the house (and to the pressure tank) and we will either have water hauled in or we will get a second tank so Scott can get water and haul it in.  This way, while we are waiting on the well guy to come and hook us up to the well (which will be used to keep the cistern topped off), we will still have running water!!!!

Additionally, Scott and I have been working on clearing out the house of extra building materials and unnecessary clutter (all the cooking stuff I don't use each week has been temporarily boxed back up to get rid of the clutter).  We are working a little at a time to prepare for Blaine and making a space for her!!! 

It's exciting and scary at the same time (mostly for me - Scott is actually the calm one right now!!).  I'm going to be honest... I'm sort of in freak-out-mode right now for a few reasons.  I had another 'spotting' episode last Friday, but it was not followed by pain or anything that my doctor said I should be worried about - that's good!!  But then someone I know, his grandson was born over the weekend 8 weeks early!!!  And when I read that I freaked out because I'm 31.5 weeks along and don't have any of Blaine's stuff organized and ready for her to use yet.  Then Sunday night, I had a bad acid reflux/vomiting episode in the middle of the night that was not fun.  But I am unbelievably thankful for Scott!  Every time I get sick I get the shakes and cry.  He was by my side, going up and down the ladder with clean clothes, wet wipes, paper towels, water.... all because he was there for Blaine and I.  He makes me so very thankful to be his wife on a daily basis!

Yesterday my 'nesting' started to set in.  I am went through all the baby clothes we have, organizing by size, and today I washed them all!!  So we at least have clothes clean and ready to go for her!  I also started my food preparations  - I'm in the process of making up extra food to freeze so once Blaine's here I don't have to worry too much about food.  The first thing I've been making has been breads - banana nut bread, cinnamon bread, and almond poppy seed bread.  Next up is pumpkin bread and zucchini bread!  I'm in the brainstorming part of making up dinner stuff we can freeze.

Today I had another doctor's appointment and it was a great one!!  I went in with a list of questions I had about everything from contractions, what kind of thermometer should we get, and others too.....
My doctor and nurse were great and spent at least 30 minutes with me answering my questions! 

The baby is doing great! She has a strong heartbeat and the doctor said he has no concerns about me or the baby at this point.  And here is some fun information!!  First, I did NOT gain any weight over the last 2 weeks!!! I'm only up 3 lbs total so far (and almost 32 weeks along now!!).  Then the nurse told me that once I give birth, the hospital nurses will actually take lots of newborn pictures for us (for FREE) and send us home with a CD of pictures!!  How cool is that! So now I'm on the hunt for a cute newborn outfit!  I have been gifted some adorable hair bows, a newborn crocheted hat but I think most of what I have are 0-3 months and I'm thinking those may be too big on her for pictures?!?  What do I know! I'm new at this!! But I've received so many wonderful and amazing gifts and I can't wait to get pictures in all the outfits!!!

Also, I found out that our hospital has FREE lactation consultants for while I'm in the hospital and even when I'm at home!!  I'm planning on nursing, but I know there will be a learning curve for us both so I'm planning on taking advantage of the consultant.

Over the next week or 2 we have a lot to get accomplished! Scott should have us hooked up to our 'temporary running water' via the cistern.  I'll be finishing up my last custom order till after Blaine arrives.  And after that I'll be working on pre-made items that will be for sale all while prepping the house, setting up all our wonderful gifts, organizing clothes, figuring out how to use a car seat (and going to the Annex at the hospital where there are 3 certified car seat techs who will walk me through the do's and don'ts, plus continuing our meal prep for after her arrival!

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers over the next 2 months!! Our lives are about the change forever and it's exciting but scary at the same time!

Have a great week everyone!!!  I'll have more exciting news and pictures in a week!

1 comment:

  1. When my first daughter was born she needed premie sized clothes even though she wasn't a premie. She was only in them for a couple of weeks but the 0-3 were too big at first. My second daughter went right into the 0-3, though, so it just depends on the baby. You might want to have one premie sized outfit on hand just in case. Good luck!
