Monday, March 3, 2014


We've been asked a lot lately just how this is going to work? Where will we sleep? etc.  I am sure we haven't thought of everything, but I think we have the major bases covered.

Basically we're going out there to a piece of land that has NOTHING - no water, no electricity, no septic.... just a plain piece of land with some sage brush and small cactus.

NOTE:  The following has very detailed information on our living situation and maybe construed as TMI (too much information), however, it's a part of this adventure so I'm including it.

Living Quarters
We will be sleeping in a cargo trailer (16'x7').  Scott is building a raised platform in the front of the trailer where we will put either a queen size mattress or an air mattress.
The trailer has NO heat or electric, so we're 'roughing it'.  Luckily though, it does have a crank vent, so we can get some fresh air if needed.

We have met one of our neighbors already and they have graciously offered to let us get water from their house!  I am so very thankful for this simple gesture. We will use the water for drinking, cooking, and bathing too.
With a trailer/property with no water, that means no toilet and no shower!!  No problem!  We have been collecting cat litter buckets (with lids) that we will bring with us and used in many ways. 

Toilets: We originally were thinking or purchasing something like this:
and using it with these bags:
However, mostly because I'm cheap and we're on a very tight budget, my goal is to not purchase any unnecessary items.  So we're going to purchase some heavy duty trash bags, place them in the empty cat litter buckets as liners and 'go #2' into our saved plastic grocery bags, tie them up and after there are several in the bucket, tie them up and throw away.  Scott will not need a bucket to go #1, but I however will.  So we're going to cut the bottom off of another bucket that I can use. 

We originally were thinking of getting something like this:
But again, this is money on a product that will only be a temporary fix, so I thought for sure we could come up with a better/cheaper solution.
The plan is two fold.  First can use the local campground's shower facilities every 3-4 days.  However, for the in-between time, we can warm up the water over a small Coleman propane burner, then sponge washing.  And a simple bucket of water will work nicely to wash our hair.

I think we have all our bases covered here.

Food and Cooking
We will not have a refrigerator so we will be limited to foods that won't spoil.  Fruits, fresh vegetables, canned foods, instant mashed potatoes (Scott's favorite!), pasta, oatmeal, etc.  We will be using the Coleman propane single burner unit to cook all our food over (unless we get ambitious and make a camp fire). We will have some coolers if needed, but it may be several days to a week between trips to town to get ice, so we won't be relying on them.  However there will be plenty of nutritious foods that we can eat and store that won't require refrigeration.

We have a portable DVD player that we'll bring with us along with some movies.  But I think most of our 'free time' will be spent sleeping (especially during the build)!! Otherwise, we'll play board games and ride the scooters around to explore the area. Best of all we'll be chilling by a camp fire and hanging out with our cats.  We are very low maintenance folks, and are very much looking forward to enjoying nature and the outdoors!

Yes, we are crazy.  But we love our 4 cats like they are our children!  All 4 of them will be accompanying us for the build.  We will be driving 2 vehicles out to Wyoming and the cats will all ride with me in the car.  Once there, the cats will be in the trailer with us at night and during bad weather.  But during the day, we purchased 2 of these cat tents along with a connecting tunnel.  If we have the budget, I may purchase another set so they have more room.  We are cutting up some old carpet to put in the bottom of the tents for extra cushion for them.  The biggest thing is to keep them safe and out of the way.
You may be thinking, why not just have a friend or family member take care of them during out build?  Well, first it would be very difficult to be away from them for so long. They really are our children.  And second, we don't want to burden our family/friends with this obligation.

We will be making 2 trips total.  First trip will include all the tools, necessities, 2 vehicles, 2 trailers, 2 scooters, and 4 cats! Once the cabin is completed, Scott will be returning home with the truck and cargo trailer to get the rest of our stuff (luckily we don't have much)!

We've been asked several times about getting a Uhaul or a POD unit - well when we looked into them, they were very expensive! And as I've said many times, we are on a very tight budget and to me this is wasted money.  So, instead, I purchased a cargo trailer that we get to keep instead of renting something that we don't get to keep. 

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