Monday, August 18, 2014

Progress Update

As of this morning, we have returned the lift!! 3 weeks and 3 days later!  We have to get about 10 or so more sheets of foam to finish the mudroom roof and a few spots in the gable of that end of the house, but otherwise we are almost done foaming!!

This past week we had our metal roofing delivered as well as all our windows and our side door (there is a picture of our windows in the FOAMING blog post).  Also this week we will be getting our siding and the sealant for the siding delivered.

Our plan this week is to tie up all loose ends with the foam - finish the little bit we have lift, finish adding the 1x4's to the mudroom, cut all the window bucks and put them in, and our goal is to get our door and windows in too!  Plus, we are making at least one, maybe 2, trips to the landfill to clean up all our trash. 

Once we get all the windows and doors in, we will be ready to move into the house.

Some fun stuff:

I posted this on FB but I'm reposting it here - Aug. 11 - Funny Story to share: Yesterday I got Scott a pack of fudge striped cookies which he opened and ate a few while we were taking a break in the house. He left them in the house last night and when we arrived this morning he came in and said, 'Did you feed the pack rat my cookies?' and of course I didn't. Sure enough, our pack rat friend stole 4 cookies!! One was still on the floor in the house all munched on while a stack of 3 were outside under the pallet where he lives! Guess we will be taking down the 'ramp' (a 2x12) into the house!! haha

About a week or so ago, Scott was on the roof working on adding the foam while I was loading the sheets into the lift and handing stuff to him.... I kept smelling something rank but couldn't see anything. Then when I got down on the ground I looked up at the cart and sure enough I found the source of the smell Poor pack rat got squished!! (If you want to see the pictures, they are also in the FOAMING blog post).

It seems like nearly every night we've been seeing shooting stars!!  At 5am this morning we both saw a shooting star!!

I will get more up-to-date pictures of everything and post them this week!!

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